Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Skywalker Ranch

(Photo Credit: Sarah Hunt)
Somehow during my pre-Christmas visit to San Francisco I missed the fact that David was happy to let me visit him at his office at the Skywalker Ranch. When I discovered this in Tucson, I was still undecided about going back just to see the BC game. Well as a huge Star Wars fan, my mind was immediately made up - I was returning to SF for sure! Yesterday Colby and I drove up to Marin to join David for lunch.  David even showed us around a bit. Since it felt like a private home (although it isn't) I played it cool and didn't take any pictures -- I was sure I could find some online taken by people less reverent than I. And I did, so photo credit goes to Sarah Hunt (who ever she is?).

(Photo Credit: Sarah Hunt)
The main house is a big, lovely Victorian with these fabulous cut glass front doors and a beautiful foyer. There are two small cases of Star Wars memorabilia that include character models and even a couple of light sabers. It was all very casual, like the mementos
(Photo Credit: Sarah Hunt)
that you would put on a shelf in your own home. Sort of like the glass paperweight of the James Madison stamp that adorns my bookshelf at home. Just something from a project that I worked on once. Yup, it's just the same.

The house was also adorned with wonderful paintings. I spotted three by Norman Rockwell. My favorite was a sketch of the painting Betty Lou. It is of a girl waiting outside the principal's office with a big, black eye and a smile. Clearly she has won her fight. When I pointed it out, Colby said that it reminded her of India.

This sounds silly, but I was also incredibly impressed with the light fixtures. They were all Tiffany glass and put to shame the Home Depot imitations that I have bought throughout the years. I especially loved the tulip sconces everywhere.

The property is enormous and the vistas from the house are magnificent. It is a 'Gentleman's Farm' and herds of sheep and cows are visible from the drive. I was a bit disappointed to learn that my lunch had not been killed on the premises. I was hoping for an Alice Walker experience. David also mentioned that every Thanksgiving "George" hands out Turkeys to all his employees, so when we saw wild turkeys roaming the walks I asked if there was an diabolical culling each November. "No," David said. "I'm pretty sure they get them from a nearby farm."

David actually works at the neighboring ranch, Big Rock. Also in gorgeous setting, this ranch feels more like an office building despite the lakeside terrace, the furniture that is itself art and the actual art that decorate the place. Feeling less like an interloper, we did take one picture of Colby and I. Doesn't she look super thrilled to be there? Well, I was! This was on par with my dinner with Mrs. Fendi in Rome. Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. good to see you back up and running Anna! it's snowing here again but i am thinking positively for vacation part II.
